Grateful, Thankful, and Even #Blessed


Marie Buck Photography

TasteBuds, along with owners Melissa and Natalia, sure have a lot to be thankful for!

In the spirit of the season, we thought we'd share some of those things with you. We are so grateful...

For our husbands and families that support us everyday and believe in us and this company.

For College Football (and the snacks that come with...obviously). Geaux Tigers!

For rainy days, and the rare chance to pull out our poor, neglected rain boots on the four days a year that it rains here in LA.

For coffee....our third business partner.

For Farmer's Markets (and the samples that double as our lunch).


Marie Buck Photography

For the tiny details. In parties and events. In our menus. In life.

For binge watching Netflix shows until Netflix has the audacity to ask "Are you still watching?"

For each of our sons, who inspire us everyday to keep going, even when all we really want to do is snuggle with them while they'll still let us.

For stretchy pants that enable us to eat alllllllll the Thanksgiving goodies, and then provide comfort for our tryptophan-induced nap.


Marie Buck Photography

For our pets that are professional kitchen floor cleaners and instant mood lifters (minus that time when Melissa's cats brought her a still-wriggling lizard tail).

For having a job that lets us be creative every single day, and is always keeps us on our toes.

For Champagne toasts after a job well done.

For our friendship that has defied the odds, and lasted through marriage, kids, starting a business, growing a business, and maintaining a business. It's not a task for the faint of heart, but we took that challenge head-on and are stronger friends for it.

For our amazing, loyal, top notch staff, whom we truly could not do without.


Marie Buck Photography

And last, but not least, for YOU. Our clients, friends, and supporters that enable us to do what we love. Who refer friends and loved ones to us and trust us with your most special days. Who support our little company in so many ways, and are the reason we are still here, 12 years later.

We hope you all have the very best day surrounded by your loved ones, and we hope you made enough pie to have a slice (or two) for breakfast tomorrow!

With love, and full hearts (and soon to be bellies),

Natalia and Melissa